3 Benefits Of Grease Recycling

22 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog


If you own a restaurant, cafe, pub, or any place that serves food, chances are that grease is a substantial byproduct of the cooking that goes on in the kitchen. As such, many jurisdictions have made grease traps a legal requirement, and sooner or later you'll need to get rid of the grease that has collected in the trap. While it is possible to collect the grease and have it disposed of in other ways, recycling the grease instead is by far the best option available to restaurateurs. Take a look below at just three of the biggest reasons why.

Preventing Pipe and Sewer Damage

In places where food service workers are not legally obligated to recycle grease, many simply choose to dump it down the nearest drain. Unfortunately, there are few things worse for both the restaurant's pipes and the municipal sewer lines. There are a number of drawbacks when it comes to disposing of grease in this way, not least of which is clogging the pipes to the point overflow. This can cause health hazards so extreme that a restaurant with clogged pipes may need to shut down for weeks. Even worse, blocked sewer pipes are likely to affect multiple businesses in an area. A grease collection service can regularly and reliably get rid of grease for you so that these issues never become too much to handle.

Protecting the Environment

Even if a kitchen's pipes and city's sewer drains are able to handle the excess grease that a restaurant discards, that doesn't mean the environment can. Grease can pollute streams, rivers, and lakes if it is not separated properly in a water treatment facility, and this can wreak havoc on local ecosystems. When you choose to hire a grease collection service, you are directly contributing to the protection of the environment in your area.

Contribute to Alternative Fuel Sources

If you would like to see your grease recycled in a way that makes an even bigger environmental impact, look no further than biofuel. The fats, oils, and greases (collectively referred to as FOG) can be used by grease recycling companies to fund biofuel production. Proponents of biofuel hope that one day it will be commercially viable to the extent that fossil fuels are no longer a necessity, and cleaner forms of transportation are available to the masses. Collecting and recycling your grease is just one important step in the process. Reach out to a grease collection company to get started.